Thursday, 8 September 2011
The 10 Best Random Trading Strategies

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — S&P downgrade. Risk off. Hurricane
Irene. Risk on. Obama’s next speech. Risk off. German court ruling. Risk
on. Italian austerity? You’ve got to be kidding.
The markets are moving so fast these days that fundamentals are out the
window and meaningless grasping at headlines is the only hope for
investors to avoid the coming global economic train wreck. Which makes
it a great time to be in the...
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Perang Mata Uang, Segera di Mulai

Semua terhenyak melihat pergerakan market saat itu. Selasa sore (06/09) Tidak semua Trader siap dan mampu mengantisipasi pergerakan harga yang tiba tiba bergerak liar satu arah dan meninggalkan jauh hampir seribuan poin dari posisinya semula. Genderang perang mata uang (currency war) sepertinya mulai ditabuh setelah bank sentral Swiss mematok nilai tukar mata uangnya untuk pertama kali sejak 1978. Negara-negara seperti Jepang, Swedia dan...
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Gold Rebound

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Does gold’s bounce-back vindicate the bugs? They say yes! At the CME floor close on Friday, the December gold contact GC1Z +1.89% was up $47.80 or 2.53% on the day, and $79.60 or 4.3% on the week. It had broken out of a sideways pattern which had...